Core Values

What you truly value will ultimately be revealed by your actions. In GCL we have a set of Core Values that reflect what is important to us and drive the decisions we make as a church family. More detailed statements regarding each core value can be found here.

In the book of Acts, the Bible says the earliest followers of Christ “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

In our gatherings and daily lives we focus on teaching and obeying the Word, enjoying and encouraging one another, breaking bread and praying together.

The Grace of God
Commitment to God and His Word
The Great Commission
Church Leadership
Love and Unity
Raising Godly Families
Every Member A Minister

The Grace of God

God’s grace through Jesus Christ is the basis and power, not only of our personal lives, but also of our ministry. In contrast to the burden and guilt of religion, the free and lavish grace of God given through Jesus is truly amazing.